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Michael Jackson Wiki

Brad Sundberg with Michael Jackson

On January 27, 2023, during an In the Studio With MJ seminar hosted by Brad Sundberg, Michael Jackson's sound engineer, a laptop with Jackson's unreleased material got stolen. Following the theft, 50 GB of previously unseen and unheard content had leaked online.

One of the fans who attended one of the seminars in 2024 later confirmed that Sundberg's black laptop was the stolen laptop.[1]


The seminar was hosted in Brussels, Belgium, starting at 7 PM and ending at noon. The specifics of what time specifically the laptop was stolen are unknown; however, Sundberg stated in his now-deleted video addressing the theft:

We turned our backs for a few seconds and the computer and the hard drive, not only were they gone, but it seems as though this individual actually climbed out of a window and ran across the roof and broke a skylight.

Brad Sundberg on the theft, January 29, 2023[2]


The news shocked many fans around the world. Many were supportive of Sundberg, even deciding not to listen to the leaked songs. The event was dubbed one of the "wildest music leaks in years".[3]

It’s just frustrating. It’s hurtful and it’s frustrating when something you worked so hard for and 99% of our guests are absolutely wonderful, fantastic people. And unfortunately, something like this happens. [...] We obviously do have backups, Brian Vibberts is here and he's been fantastic, letting me use his computer tomorrow.

Brad Sundberg on the theft, January 29, 2023[4]


It hasn't been officially confirmed who committed the crime, although Sundberg stated he and his team tracked down the thief and know who they are. According to the president of a Chinese Michael Jackson Fanclub, the thief is the same person who recorded and leaked low-quality recordings of "Chicago 1945" and "Dream Away" in November 2022.[5] As it is known by now, the case has been closed by now and the laptop was returned to the engineer.[6]


Following the event, Sundberg would take a month-long break[7] and wouldn't continue In the Studio with MJ until April 28, 2023, in Atlanta.[8]


Title Year Album Note(s)
"I Can't Help It" (Demo) 1979 Off the Wall N/A
"Chicago 1945" December 1983-Spring 1986 Bad Previously leaked in November 2022 as a low-quality phone recording.
"Smooth Criminal" (Demo) Fall 1985 Bad Cut down to a minute and twenty-seven seconds, full recording is unavailable.
"Liberian Girl" (Harmonies) 1986 Previously leaked in 2018 as a low-quality phone recording.
"Speed Demon" (Demo) Previously leaked in 2020 as a low-quality phone recording.
"Streetwalker" (Rough Demo) N/A
"Someone Put Your Hand Out" (Demo) 1987 Previously leaked in 2020 as a low-quality phone recording.
"The Way You Make Me Feel" (30th Annual Grammy Awards Intro) 1988 N/A The studio version of the intro was created for the performance of "The Way You Make Me Feel" at the Grammy Awards in 1988. Initially leaked online as a low-quality phone recording a few years prior.
"Earth Song" (Demo) 1989 Dangerous Previously leaked in 2018 as a low-quality phone recording.
"Deep in the Night" (Instrumental) 1990
"For All Time" (Demo) Different from the one leaked in the 2000's. Also previously leaked sometime in 2020 as a low-quality phone recording
"Give In to Me" (Writing session) The original recording lasts about fifteen minutes, this is a cut-down, six-minute version.
"Heal the World" (Demo) Decade/Dangerous N/A
"Superfly Sister" (Instrumental) Dangerous Snippet.
"Jam" (Demo) 1991 Features an alternate rap verse. This mix is also referred to as "Bruce's Ruff Mix".
"Keep the Faith" (Demo) Different from the one leaked in the 2000's.
"Family Thing" (Demo) 1993 N/A Previously leaked in 2018 as a low-quality phone recording.
"Childhood" (Alternate mix) 1994 HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I Created on August 24, 1994. Not much different than the final mix.[9]
"The Verdict" (Instrumental) Two versions leaked; beat + bass and the beat on its own.[10]
"Willing and Waiting" (Writer's demo) Performed by Babyface for HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I.
"Faces" (Demo) Previously leaked in 2020 as a low-quality phone recording.
Title Year
"African Booty" home video[11] 1990
"Family Friday" home video[12]
Putting together an early track list for Dangerous[13] 1991
Recording sessions of "Stranger in Moscow"[14] 1994
Recording sessions of "Childhood"[15]
Recording sessions of "She Drives Me Wild" 1990
Recording sessions of "Can't Let Her Get Away"[16]
Recording sessions of "They Don't Care About Us"[17] [18] 1994
Recording sessions of "Monkey Business"[19] 1989
Recording sessions of "Someone Put Your Hand Out"[20] 1990
Recording sessions of "Will You Be There"[21] [22] 1990
Recording sessions of "Earth Song"[23] 1994
Footage of dancers for "Faces"
Christmas Star Orchestra Kids Choir ProRes.mov
Title Year
DAT's of the Decade compilation album 1990-1991
Unused "Bad" lyrics 1986


  1. https://www.mjjcommunity.com/threads/in-the-studio-with-mj-review.203570/
  2. https://twitter.com/Kurrco/status/1619770998882201603?s=20
  3. https://americansongwriter.com/50-gb-of-unreleased-michael-jackson-content-stolen/
  4. https://twitter.com/Kurrco/status/1619770998882201603?s=20
  5. https://twitter.com/mkgenie/status/1619183622057267200?s=20
  6. https://www.mjvibe.com/case-closed-for-brad-sundberg-stolen-laptop/
  7. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoifT2IJgR9/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MTIyMzRjYmRlZg==
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpwPE78jL-J/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MTIyMzRjYmRlZg==
  9. https://krakenfiles.com/view/onCQj1Fjc6/file.html
  10. https://krakenfiles.com/view/YLPAF6Mz6r/file.html
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8tgHYxiayM
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhabyYi1eBM
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncknokgmP5c&t=308s&pp=ygUobWljaGFlbCBqYWNrc29uIGRhbmdlcm91cyB0cmFja2xpc3QgbGVhaw%3D%3D
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLRHtNGk1vU&pp=ygUsbWljaGFlbCBqYWNrc29uIHJlY29yZGluZyBzdHJhbmdlciBpbiBtb3Njb3c%3D
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YmoUEjHYKk
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv4zr5d2Oj0&pp=ygUabWljaGFlbCBqYWNrc29uIHJlY29yZGluZyA%3D
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzDKKNmoWDQ
  18. https://youtu.be/Mu5pPVWqWXE
  19. https://youtu.be/bsHZQ71LPPs
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29Zg-_gKxzk
  21. https://youtu.be/Cwl9UBPAT7k
  22. https://youtu.be/jkRYQ5SecTY
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10qwT-gxacM&pp=ygUgUmVjb3JkaW5nIHNlc3Npb25zIG9mIEVhcnRoIFNvbmc%3D