Michael Jackson Wiki

Welcome to the Michael Jackson Wiki, the encyclopedia intending to honor the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Here, you can discover or even share your knowledge about the star. Before doing so however, please make sure to check our rules and guidelines.



Michael Jackson Wiki
Michael Jackson Wiki
Michael Jackson Wiki

This is the general discussion page for the wiki! New founders should leave a nice welcome message and encourage new visitors and editors to leave a note to get the conversation started.

Hello. I am new. I'm wondering if anyone is still here? I'm yourburgersarethebest. I started out with Wikipedia, and I've been wanting to help out to edit forums for a while. Thought this would be a great place to keep up my work. Yourburgersarethebest (talk) 02:21, November 14, 2019 (UTC)yourburgersarethebest