Michael Jackson Wiki

Welcome to the Michael Jackson Wiki, the encyclopedia intending to honor the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Here, you can discover or even share your knowledge about the star. Before doing so however, please make sure to check our rules and guidelines.



Michael Jackson Wiki
Michael Jackson Wiki
Michael Jackson Wiki

Articles regarding the child sexual abuse accusations against Michael Jackson.

In 1993, the King of Pop became a target of accusations from Evan Chandler, a of a 13 year-old boy who visited the Neverland Ranch in months prior. Michael later settled the Chandler family's lawsuit due to declining mental and physical health, as well as the singer simply not wanting it to interfere with his career. Chandler was later mentioned on multiple occasions to have lied to extort Jackson. However, it did leave a long lasting impact on Michael's career, and eventually led to other accusations. In 2005, he endured a lengthy trial, and on June 13 he was acquitted of all charges against him. It's also worth mentioning, FBI's 13-years-long search through Jackson's property and Neverland Ranch concluded in zero evidence against him being found.

MJ June 13 2005

Michael Jackson and his family members leaving the Santa Barbara County Courthouse (June 13, 2005)

All items (11)
